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Course Listing - by Instructor

Name Biography
Ali Aust
Ryan Bronkema
Steven Broome Photography is an art form like no other. It captures a particular moment and freezes reality for one precious second. For Steven Broome, photography has been his life’s joy since he got his first camera in the fourth grade. As part of the UWG family, Steven channels his passion into creating stories and memories through photography and other visual technology.

Steven grew up in Chickamauga, TN, but has lived in Carrollton for most of his life. He has been part of the University of West Georgia family for more than two decades, having received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the university and joining the staff in 1989 and retiring in 2020. He has received several honors, including an APEX Award of Excellence for a photo taken on campus just following September 11, 2001, as well as being part of the team that won a CASE Gold Award for Campaign Publications during the UWG Centennial. His latest career highlight is being part of the team in charge of UWG’s “Go West” campaign.

As former Associate Director of Visual Services, Steven supervised a team of skilled photographers and videographers who work hard at showing the story behind UWG and what makes it great. He finds inspiration in the unbridled spirit embodied by the UWG community. Steven collects old cameras, a collection that has grown to include approximately 100 different types. In his words: “these are the tools that allowed regular people to document their own history, and it's that vernacular history that I find very interesting.”
Amanda Camp
Hazel Cole
Marty Davis M.A., C.P.P. Marty received his B.S. from Valdosta State University and his M.A. from LaGrange College. Before coming to the University of West Georgia, Marty was the director of continuing education and professional services department at Bainbridge State College. He has completed additional education in Project Management, Human Resources, and Manufacturing. He is a certified instructor in all lines of insurance, CPR/FA, and drivers education. Current course instruction include Customer Service, Soft Skills Training, Consulting, and other business or organizational needs.
Jennie English
Sonja Evans
Lantz Ferrell Lantz Ferrell is a Lecturer with the Richards College of Business at the University of West Georgia. She teaches Principles of Management and Foundations of Business & Spreadsheet Analysis. Her Master of Business Administration degree is from the University of North Alabama and her Bachelor of Business Administration degree is from the University of Mississippi. (She dearly loves her Ole Miss!) Before Lantz began teaching with the university, she served as an Educational Program Specialist in eCore Testing and also taught middle and high school classes for over ten years.
Valencia Fuller-Wright
Delaine Houston
Allison Key
Richard La Fleur

IHCS Program developer and facilitator Dr. Richard La Fleur earned his Bachelor of Arts, Masters of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (Consciousness and Society) from the University of West Georgia, where he currently teaches various courses in psychology. Dr. La Fleur's research concentration has been narrative works (narrative psychology), mattering, the experiential reintegration process veterans experience post-deployment from the combat zone (phenomenology) with an emphasis on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other psycho-spiritual difficulties such as, Moral Injury. Through his ten plus years of research, Integrative Health has been a strong alternative form of care, for people who are seeking ways to find healing. Dr. La Fleur is a Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider (CMHIMP).

Sooho Lee
Melanie McClellan
Brad Prince Dr. Brad Prince is a tenured UWG faculty member and serves as Associate Dean of Richards College of Business. Dr. Prince currently instructs courses in Management Information Systems and is certified to teach The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People and The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity by Franklin Covey.
Emily Richardson
James Schiller Paul
Bridgette Stewart Bridgette Stewart serves the University of West Georgia as the inaugural Chief Wellness Officer. She joined the Department of Sport Management, Wellness, and Physical Education in the fall of 2003. She is the former program coordinator for the Health and Community Wellness program and the current Director of the Center for Integrative Wellness and the Wolf Wellness Lab. Ms. Stewart is an active member of the National Wellness Institute and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. She has served as chair of the Council for Wellness Certification Excellence for NWI, which recently developed the country's first set of core competencies for wellness professionals. In June 2018, Ms. Stewart was inducted into the National Wellness Institute's Circle of Leadership. She currently serves as a member of the board of directors for the National Wellness Institute. Ms. Stewart holds several health and wellness certifications/specialized training:

National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach Wellcoaches Certified Health and Wellness Coach BLS instructor-trainer through the American Heart Association Certified Wellness Practitioner and a Worksite Wellness Specialist through the National Wellness Institute Sports Injury Specialist with the National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association Lifestyle coach for the CDC's National Diabetes Prevention Program ACE Therapeutic Exercise Specialist.
CarLes Stinson
Witt Teem
Tanisha Thomasson
Philip Trickey
Hope Udombon
Kristin Webb
Misty Wilson