Online Registration

JUMP! Program

Dates:August 3-9, 2025
Meets:Su, M, Tu, W, Th, F and Sa from 12 M to 12:00 AM
Location:UWG Carrollton
Cost: $225.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


Ready to experience UWG early? Join us for JUMP!

JUMP! is a one-week pre-college experience designed to prepare first-year UWG students for academic success in college while also developing friendships and adapting to campus life early!

As part of the JUMP! Program, first-year UWG students will spend August 3-9 (a week prior to the start of UWG classes) on campus participating in a unique pre-college experience. First-year students who participate in the JUMP! Program will have the opportunity to move into their residence hall early and begin living on campus. As part of the JUMP! Program, first-year students will spend the week on campus early engaging in leadership activities, meeting current students and UWG campus leaders, and developing friendships with other first-year UWG students.

The JUMP! Program allows first-year students to engage with their first-year Cornerstone seminar early by offering interaction with their first-year instructor and potential classmates. JUMP! participants can expect to meet other first-year students and also get a jump-start on preparing for academic success early by engaging in academic success workshops related to the first-year.

Program Contact: If you require JUMP! Program information or clarification, please contact Emily Krish at or 678.839.5366.

Registration Contact: For registration assistance, please contact Erika McClain at or 678.839.6611.

Cancellation and Refund Policy: (Refund Deadline is: July 7, 2025) A refund less a $10.00 administrative fee will be issued upon notification in person, by telephone (678-839-6611), or e-mail Continuing Education at on or before deadline.
Fee: $225.00

UWG Carrollton

1601 Maple Street
Carrollton, GA 30118
Date Day Time Location
08/03/2025Sunday12M to 12M UWG Carrollton
08/04/2025Monday12M to 12M UWG Carrollton
08/05/2025Tuesday12M to 12M UWG Carrollton
08/06/2025Wednesday12M to 12M UWG Carrollton
08/07/2025Thursday12M to 12M UWG Carrollton
08/08/2025Friday12M to 12M UWG Carrollton
08/09/2025Saturday12M to 12M UWG Carrollton